Agree. Lots of talking, little doing. <br>
Start with voting (even is to chose lessor of the evil).<br>
Start to speak up in community, HOA meetings.<br>
<font id="yiv1415191184yui_3_2_0_16_1320345893614550" size="3"><span id="yiv1415191184yui_3_2_0_16_1320345893614547" class="yiv1415191184body">Google 一下,很容易就可以找到各种数据, Johns Creek is Georgia's wealthiest city and the 95th wealthiest in the nation.</span></font><font id="yiv1415191184yui_3_2_0_16_1320345893614550" size="3"><span id="yiv1415191184yui_3_2_0_16_1320345893614547" class="yiv1415191184body">..</span></font><br>
<font id="yiv1415191184yui_3_2_0_16_1320345893614388" size="3"><br>在Johns Creek,老钱只能算穷的。炫富或哭穷,都不是老钱的为人。老钱只是顺便陈述一个事实而已。</font>
游客IP:144.160.226.*发布于 2011-11-04 07:501 楼#
Ding 游客35 !<br>
Ding 第 <FONT size=+0>53</FONT> 楼 !<br>
Please Vote, Please. <br>
Ever heard of "<STRONG>Ballot or the Bullet</STRONG>" by <A title="Human rights" href=""><FONT color=#0645ad>human rights</FONT></A> activist <A title="Malcolm X" href=""><FONT color=#0645ad>Malcolm X</FONT></A> ?<br>
I am kind of agree with him even though this is a sort of extreme --- a person doesn't goto Ballot/vote deserves a Bullet !<br>
I usaully persuade folks to vote. but so far the result is very disappointing. It's heart-broken ...<br>
Even though we don't have Democracy element in our traditional culture, but in this free land we at least can treat ourselves as real standing MEN --- start from our generation ! <br>
Please Vote, Folks. Please Vote ! <br>
作者:老钱 时间:2011年10月18日 12:06 查看全文