Charges of Tai Chi, Wushu or Qigong Classes at Tai Chi Academy of Wushu and Acupressure (2014)
Charges of Tai Chi, Wushu or Qigong Classes at Tai Chi Academy of Wushu and Acup
作者:taichiwang 时间:2014年10月20日 14:01 查看全文
taichiwang发布于 2014-11-26 18:1211 楼#
<p>There is 10% off for senior citizen (65+). It is for tuition of monthly payment only. There is no any discount for charges of registration, tests and DVD.</p><p>Correction:</p><p>After copying "汪莹章" to</p><p><a href="http://"></a> </p><p>(百度网)</p><p>or</p><p><a href="http://"></a> </p><p>(搜搜网)</p><p>we will find his 43 articles about wushu and taijiquan, his resume and his video clips of six published DVD with the form<span style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-FAMILY: '宋体'; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; mso-spacerun: 'yes'"><span style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt; TEXT-DECORATION: underline; FONT-FAMILY: '宋体'; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; mso-spacerun: 'yes'">a</span></span>l international publication n<span style="FONT-SIZE: 14pt; TEXT-DECORATION: underline; FONT-FAMILY: '宋体'; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; mso-spacerun: 'yes'">u</span>mbers.</p><p> </p>
taichiwang发布于 2014-11-18 17:0410 楼#
<p>After copying "汪莹章" to</p><p><a href="http://"></a> </p><p>(百度网)</p><p>or</p><p><a href="http://"></a> </p><p>(搜搜网)</p><p>we will find his 43 articles about wushu and taijiquan, his resume and his video clips of six published DVD with the forml international publication nmbers.</p><p> </p>
<p>Sat. 9 am - 12 pm, Wushu and Tai Chi classes, at Shorty Howell Park, <br/><br/>Note: Mr. Yingzhang Wang mainly teaches at goverment locations as he does not have enough students to rent an office or studio for 22 years.<br/><br/>Direction: <br/>(1) From Hwy 141: </p><p>(1.a) Turn onto Pleasant Hill Rd to Hwy I-85 direction., pass under Buford Hwy, turn left at the 2nd or 3rd traffic light to Shorty Howell Park.</p><p>(1.b) Class location is at the 1st pavilion on the left. If there is an activity at this pavilion, the class location will be at a small branch crossing the driving road. Please call (678) 698 - 2407 if you can not find it.</p><p><br/>(2) (from I-85) exit 104, and turn onto Pleasant Hill Rd. to Buford Hwy direction, after passing Steve Raynolds Blvd, turn right to Shorty Howell Park at the 2nd traffic light, then follow (1.b).</p>
作者:taichiwang 时间:2014年10月20日 14:01 查看全文