Dr.OlympiaLiu: 秋蚊肆疟,一口夺命! 警惕West Nile Virus (WNV)! (31 August 2012, Atlanta) US West Nile virus Attack 08/31/2012: Update West Nile Virus:
作者:Dr.OlympiaLiu 时间:2012年08月31日 10:20 查看全文
Weiqi,<div><br></div><div>There are hundreds of thousands of medical cases recorded in the school of the Warm Diseases, since TCM treatment is based on "Pattern (or Zheng) Differentiation", "disease differentiation" is secondary to consider. Also, treatment based on "symptoms" are different from that of based on "patterns/zhengs".</div><div><br></div><div>In current days, clinical observation would be a way to gather information in proving the effectiveness of Warm Disease methods of treating WND.</div><div><br></div><div>I hope this answers your questions ^_^.</div>
weiqi发布于 2012-09-04 06:096 楼#
Blue Sky:<br>Did 中医 do a better job on this problem?<br>How to prove it?<br>
作者:Dr.OlympiaLiu 时间:2012年08月31日 10:20 查看全文