诚谢多年来支持州税转捐的168网友们和老郭站长! 乔州税转捐申请于12/15/2015截止,捐税人士/公司享受:履行了交州收入所税的责任,因向非赢利机构捐税同时节省联邦税,获得感谢礼卡高达10%捐额,您支持帮助教育的众多好处。心动不如行动!http://www.apogeebase.com/donate for Cresco Montessori School.
Dear Friends of Cresco Montessori School,
A friendly reminder: The 2016 GA income tax redirection program early application is due on 12/15/2015. I recommend you apply to donate the maximum limit, because the demand to donate is larger than the allowed Total Cap of $58mm for the State. Our 2015 tax donors were only able to donate 58% of what we applied to donate. Your FULL donation amount, are secured and awarded by Apogee as scholarship to needed Pre-K/K students , so that they can enroll in Cresco. Cresco Montessori School receives tuition payments to provide education services to children, funds are paid either by parents, state fundings, and or scholarships from Apogee.
For example, donors applied for $2500 donation in December 2014, but were only approved to donate for $1585 , once donation completed by donors. Students will have opportunity to apply scholarships from Apogee. and we gave out $158 cash value visa gift card in appreciation of donors from our regular operation funds. OR, If your child is a student of Cresco, we give out 30% of donation amount for tuition credit $475.50.
The 2015 $58 million cap was met on January 1st, 2015 in record time!
A new $58 million will become available again on January 1, 2016. As we expect the 2016 tax credit cap to again be met on the first day of the year, Apogee is now accepting early applictions for the 2016 tax year.
Is there a limit to how much I can give each year?
Yes, the amount you can give is limited by your tax filing status:
· Married Filing Jointly: Maximum of $2,500
· Individual Filer: Maximum of $1,000
· Married Filing Separately: Maximum of $1,250
· Individuals who receive pass-through income can contribute up to $10k
· C-Corporation: Up to 75% of GA tax liability
There are so many benefits for donors by participate in this tax redirection program:
1. Fed. and state income tax saving: the donation amount as charity donation, itemized deduction. (please be mindful, you are donated to Apogee/non-for-profit to benefit Cresco Montessori school., not donated to Cresco directly, so yes, every dollar is charity contribution!)
2. Fulfill GA state income tax obligation the amount that you donated. It is like your payroll tax withhold, if overpaid, will be refunded. If you do not have so much tax obligation, the tax donated can be considered for prepaid for the next 5 years.
3. Appreciation from Cresco Montessori School by giving out 10% of visa/master gift card that you can shop anywhere. Or 30% tuition credit if you child/grandchild enrolled in any Cresco campuses
To apply to make a donation today, please click the link http://www.apogeebase.com/donate for Cresco Montessori School. For past donors, it only takes 15 second to do this, and payment is not due until March/April 2016. Please don't keep this great benefit to yourself , it can benefit your friends and clients, who will reject an appreciation gift card of $150 by redirecting GA income tax that they have to pay anyway?
If you need to discuss more in details, please email info@crescomontessori.com