今早有人找不到投票地奌,因為去年Jones Creek有些社區重劃投票所,所以去前先網上查詢
for voting precinct location please go to the link below and enter the personal info in MVP login area (in Red): http://www.mvp.sos.ga.gov/
您如還沒決定選誰,Louis Tseng曾超漢將推薦他的朋友
競選州议员选举 Brad Raffensperger給您参考.
GA House representative election district 50
1. Enforce the GA property tax cap and roll back the Fulton county 17% illegal tax increase and block them from doing it again.
2. Fix traffic in Johns Creek
3. Create a new, independent Milton County. Fulton County government has become too bloated to manage. Taxes continue to soar and services continue to decline for North Fulton residents.
4. Real Plan for Tax Relief:
#1. Eliminate the Georgia Income Tax Once and for All.
#2. Replace Georgia’s Income Tax with a FairTax Plan.
For more information about Brad Raffensperger