偶曾经估计12/30,12/31 将会有不少投资人采取行动:投资油井-生财减税. 早己通知石油公司高层管理人员务必准备好,以最快的速度来完成投资人的申请手续, 哪知12/30日投资人们按兵不动,好在年底前要做的工作也很多,他们也本着多一事不如少一事的态度, 忙里偷闲.
今天12/31是众多公司年底结账日,任职财会,金融职位的专业人事都有分身乏术的感觉. 哪知投资人都挑今天来完成他们的投资和汇款手续!更有甚者,一位德州中国人精英大佬,从收到资料,向偶问问题,到完成申请和汇款总共6小时!太牛逼了,偶无语!这上百页的文件这就读完了,懂了?看来是投资熟手,驾轻路熟了!
在这里给所有的油井新主人们拜年了!祝你们新年大吉大利!福寿禄荣齐全! 投资踏上一个新的台阶!恭喜发财!
一位医生今年收入颇丰,还会有5万的年终奖金,可是他不愿交重税. 于是求助亞城财富管理顾问Mr. Gharib. 因为医生是高收入群,他的5万奖金有2万要交稅. 财富顾问Mr. Gharib 安排医生投资油井项目.详细请读以下英文原文. 这位医生花钱请的财富管理顾问如果这样建议,您是否也该郑重考虑用交重税的钱来给自己创造油井投资生财减税计划?您必须12/31日以前行动. 请电邮中美投资人索取本人己投资的油井资料以供参考. ChineseInvest888@gmail.com。
转载 Oil Investment Yields Income, Tax Break Wall Street Journal- Wealth Adviser Dec. 4, 2013 9:19 a.m. ET
The doctor was a partner in a private medical practice that had enjoyed a good year. He was expecting a $50,000 bonus, but wasn’t happy about having to pay taxes on that money. He brought his concerns to his adviser, Clint Gharib, founder of the Gharib Group in Atlanta. “This was a client in the top tax bracket,” explains Mr. Gharib, whose firm manages about $200 million for 300 family and corporate clients. “Between state and federal taxes, as much as $20,000 of that bonus was going straight to the government.” The doctor had maxed out his 401(k) contributions for the year and earned too much to qualify for a tax-deductible IRA contribution. He wanted a vehicle that would significantly offset the tax hit, while giving him the opportunity to make a return on his money.
Mr. Gharib had already used alternative investments in the client’s portfolio, so he thought of another non-traditional strategy that could help the man achieve both of his goals: investing in oil wells. Mr. Gharib has used oil and gas investments in his clients’ portfolios since 2008 and believed that such an investment could be a good fit for this client. He also knew that the strategy was uncommon, so he started by explaining exactly how the investment would work. To invest in a land-based oil drilling project, the client could buy into an oil partnership. For a minimum investment–usually about $20,000–he would become a partner and receive a percentage of profits generated by those wells. But in the first year of his investment, the client would also receive a deduction against his taxable income for money the partnership spent on intangible drilling costs, or IDC. These costs, which include expenses like labor and insurance, typically constitute about 85% of a project’s initial investment. In the first year, the partnership spent 88% of the money on IDC, which meant the client received a $44,000 deduction against his income taxes in 2011. By the second year, he had received about $7,692 in income from the wells’ yield, and can expect additional income for as long as the wells are still productive–typically 10-20 years, says Mr. Gharib.
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6. 我如何挑选油井项目?(快歺式,回各位坛友)