After almost two years, they charged Bo with total $25 MM, that is all. Even if he did take all $25 MM, man, he is the best government official out there. I bet a guy in charge of a small village stole much more than he did. After today, I highly suspect he even took those $25 mm. What a lie! Premier Wen's mother-in-law made many many times more than he did. How many facts this government is hiding from the people.<br> <br>The stuff I think he probably did is that he slept with many actress, TV program anchors (soul prostitutes? if I may say). Why not charging him for that? - Maybe most of them are doing the same thing, if not worse. <br>
游客IP:12.178.9.*发布于 2013-08-22 07:3818 楼#
most inhabitants in Shanghai or Beijing lived small apartments previously owned by the goverment under planned economic regime,in 1990s,they bought those apartments that they lived for years at a very low price level,then in 2000~2010,they bought bigger ones as their second apartments after the great jumps of their incomes,at some increasingly higher price level respectively different every year. From 2004,prices become
uper and uper and finally,these 3 years suspend at prices they can not afford and reach. It does not matter a little bit for most people who have their veryt reasured appartments since they can't sell it unless they decide to live in some smaller cities,or migrate abroad.
Notwithstanding Chines people have their second or third apartments in some big cities like Shanghai or Beijing,apartments they lived are still apartments,are not and perhaps will never be townhouses or single houses as American people owned and lived.
游客IP:12.236.96.*发布于 2013-08-22 03:1517 楼#
Overall 1.5 billion Chinese people feel they are richer now. For example, one apartment in Shanghai and or Beijing is worth 1 million US dollars. Majority of Chinese people have at least one or more apartments. <div><br></div><div>Even with corruption, Chinese people are richer and life is much better than most Americans. Most Americans cannot afford an apartment in Shanghai and Beijing.</div>