Dr. OlympiaLiu: Breaking News (12/21/12)
Obama nominating John Kerry as Secy. Of State, Sen. John
Kerry is Chairman of Foreign Relations Cmte.
Kerry, 69, was the Democratic nominee for president in
2004, losing a close election to incumbent George W. Bush. He was also part of
Obama's debate preparations team during the 2012 election, playing the role of
Republican challenger Mitt Romney in mock debates.
今日午饭时,来到医院前台,一眼看到了熟习的面, CNN的Breaking
News:果不出吾料,来自Massachusetts(麻州 )Sen. John Kerry (克里)被Obama
提名任命为美国新国务卿 – State Secretary!
我对他了解是初自2004年,他是Democracy –民主党的总统提名竟选人,以些微名额败于George
W. Bush (小布什)。在 2008
Obama 胜选后,总统一直想叫Kerry
出任国务卿,最后,总统任命其竟选对手, 原白宫第一夫人Hillary Clinton 为国务卿, 在当时,震惊国台It was a big news that Surprised Americans!从此点,我看出,Obama
Clinton 也不负尊望,以她出色的能力,游说诸国,赢得了人们的爱戴。至今,很多人希望她能竟选2016
, 成为美国首任女总统!
在Hillary Clinton 自动放弃其国务卿高职后,Obama 原计划提名史坦福毕业的黑人女杰-
Susan Rise, 现任U. N. Ambassador
(联合国大使)为 Obama
‘S 2nd 国务卿.
“911”对美使馆的攻击和伤亡负责,鉴于Republican - 共和党的极力反对,Obama
Kerry 为Obama 第二任美国国务卿。此消息一经报导,令全美国人民振奋!
我想Obama 任命克里为国务卿, 从各方面来说,皆合宜! Kerry is Chairman of Foreign Relations, Obama叫他周游各国,他在对Afghanistan and Pakistan 外交和美国国家安全皆作出贡献;Kerry
也是Obama 2nd Term Personal Trainer of Presidential
Debates. 我想特别是“Diversity”,美国最高官,应有不同色彩, 才有利于团结各民族共同克服Recession,再振美国!
PS: 我的相关文章,提到John Kerry, Please go:
OlympiaLiu:总统辩论很少影响大选 (10/04/2012)