Dr. OlympiaLiu: Obama 首场记者会 (11/15/2012)
美国总统Obam 11/14/2012下午在白宫举行连任的首次记者会。 Obama在记者会上谈到了备受关注的中情局长婚外情丑闻事件,对富人征税,伊核和叙利亚问题,并提出未来不打算给Romney安排公职。
关于前中情局局长 Ex-CIA Director David Petraeus 的调查,他暂不评价,因为“尚未获得全部信息”。Obama对联邦调查局(FBI)的能力有信心,相信它能处理调查的整个过程,大家只需拭目以待。Obama还称,丑闻尚未威胁国家安全,但,Petraeus已丧失继续领导中情局的条件。
* 关于征税问题:Obama说,98% 年入25万以下的中产阶级,97% 小企业,明年他们的税将不会加豪毛; 但, 呼吁2% 富人 ( wealthier) 要交多一点的税,来减少联邦财政赤字。
Obama: I want to repeat. Step number
one that we can take in the next couple of weeks, provide certainty to
middle-class families, 98 percent of families who make less than $250,000 a
year; 97 percent of small businesses; that their taxes will not go up a single
dime next year. Give them that certainty right now. We can get that done.
大使Ambassador of the United Nations- Susan E.Rice:
Obama 赞扬了她的工作,Obama
说如有议员觉得政府在处理班加西领馆遭袭上存在问题,可直接找到他头上,而不该为难 Rice。近日共和党参议员,08年落选的
Senator John McCain 等威胁要阻止
Rice晋升。Senator John McCain, and Senator Lindsey Graham both said today
that they want to have Watergate-style hearings on the attack on the U.S.
consulate in Benghazi, and said that if you nominate Susan Rice to be secretary
of State, they will do everything in their power to block her nomination.
Senator Graham said, he simply doesn’t trust Ambassador Rice after what she
said about Benghazi. I’d like your reaction to that? And -- and would those
threats deter you from making a nomination like that?
OBAMA: Well first of all I’m not going to comment on various nominations
that I’ll put forward to fill out my cabinet for the second term. Those are
things that are still being discussed. But let me say specifically about Susan
Rice, she has done exemplary work. She has represented the United States and
our interests in the United Nations with skill, and professionalism, and
toughness, and grace. As I’ve said before, she made an appearance at the
request of the White House in which she gave her best understanding of the
intelligence that had been provided to her.
(因时间有限,Stop Here; Will Continue )