Dr. OlympiaLiu:也谈Alzheimer's Disease 老年痴呆症:
A chronic, progressive disorder that accounts for more than 50% of all dementias (痴呆). The most common form occurs in people old than 65, but the presenile form can begin between ages 40 & 60. Characteristic pathological changes in the brain are plaques and neuronal tangles.
The disease begins with mild memory loss, personality changes, and speech problems; In the terminal stage, pt depending on others for activities of daily living and may have seizures, Death results from complications of immobility.
The cause may take 10 or 15 ys or more. The brain has many distinct regions, each of which is responsible for different functions (for example, memory, judgment and movement). When cells in a particular region are damaged, that region cannot carry out its functions normally.
The exact cause is unknown. The diagnosis is usually made by ruling out other causes of cognitive dysfunction.
此症是进行性慢性病。 50% 以上患者有痴呆。多发为65 以上(我要小心了!),但是,可从40到60 患病 (您也别轻心!), 病程可达10至15年 or more. 医学尚未清此病病因。40年前学的人体 解剖学大脑有不同机能定位,当大脑特定部位失去功能,那是永久的伤害。诊断是凭诸多症状定的。In Alzheimer's disease, 学习和记忆部位Cell 受害,其最初表现为记忆Loss, 晚期可颠J,行为不能,。。。死于诸多综合症。
患此病会使家人受累多年,“久病床前无孝子”,幸亏美国有各方社会协助,但我是不能想像我受的罪,Fortunately,我还不至于近年“老Q”到那份儿! 只要每日我还能在篮球场和游池留下我的身影,与年轻人驰骋; But, Who knows? 一但患此症,I’d rather 从我的二楼阳台,跳入我后院Golf Course Like!
** 以下几点可供参考来预防记忆Loss:
Medication side effects:“是药三分毒”,服药太多(包括中药),当心中毒,但必要时又不能不服;
Excess use of alcohol:适量饮酒有利健康,但要改变整日纸醉金迷,酒囊饭饱的生活方式;
Thyroid problems:甲状腺分泌不正常,要查:过高Or不足
Vitamin deficiencies:维他命不足:不要以为多疏果就可以(水维他),还应注意脂维他的摄取。
忧郁症: 任何人在不同时期,皆有不同程度的Depression。
首先,要自己会舒解;我治疗多多忧郁症患者 which includes myself J,针灸有特定穴位。
如您认为有人伤害了您,劝君放心宽,要对话,Communication, 以解误会,既令您自己教育自己,也使他(她)放弃怨恨。“吾日三省吾身”,要先看自己,勿要“以牙还鸭庭”。 更不可放毒害人,那就上升为敌我矛盾,要进牢了!
July 4th, 我参加了笔会组织的江中潮著名画家Seminar,我与曾云W 手言和,并叫小郭合影留念,事后感觉良好。 Yes,“冤家宜解不宜结”,何必小心眼儿?是谁抱您孩下井了吗?人民内部矛盾嘛,即使对事物有不同看法,那是正常的吗,何必揪不放,耿耿于怀? 爱耿耿于怀之人,易得 depression.
今赋Bilingual 诗一首正是:
Depression 令人愁怅,
Communication 需提倡,
By Dr. OlympiaLiu
希望大家高抬贵手,友善待人,勿轧太狠,别叫我得Depression 跳我后院的湖了!