These Asian Ams are personifications of "When the going gets tough, the
tough get going."o 65 members joined 80-20 since "80-20 Is Dying (2)" was published 6 days
ago, of those, 9 subscribed for multi-year memberships.
o 120 members joined 80-20 since "80-20 Is Dying (1)" was published 12 days
ago. At this rate 80-20 will DOUBLE.
o Ying Yang and Haibo Huang, Moorpak, CA, upgraded their family member-
ship to Life Family Membershp. In addition,o Alex New of NY, NY, pledged $10,000 as a matching fund for
dues of new members.
o Charles and Lynn Zhang of Portage, MI, pledged $3,000 for a 2 to 1
matching fund for dues of STUDENT members
o S. B. Woo of Newark, DE pledged and has already paid for his last week's
$1,500 for fund matching.
o Winston Yee of Vancouver, Canada donated $1,000 to 80-20 Educational
Foundation. Wow, a generous contribution from a non-US citizen!
What is going on? Since even 80-20 itself admits
to dying, aren't people supposed to desert it like rats leaving a sinking
ship? Why are these people signing up for multi-year, even Life Member-
ships? Why are these donations in larger and larger amounts? This outpouring of support seems counter-intuitive. However, I like to
think that We understand perfectly why these classy individuals pulled
their classy acts.
Join the classy acts & improve your own destiny at the same time.
Using a credit card, go to . Or send your
check to 80-20 PAC 13337 South St. #189 Cerritos, CA 90703.
There is a matching fund of $10,000 for dues of anyone joining
Basic $35; Family $50 or Life Member $1,000. For STUDENT MEMBERSHIP of $15 , there is a 2 to 1 matching fund
of $3,000.