What is the difference between America before and after 911? And before and after the Great Recession? Really not much, America is still the same America, American are still the same American. Only Chinese belived and mostly still believe that American are the richest people on earth, not American themselves these days - and that may be the single most important difference after the recession!
游客IP:74.184.168.*发布于 2011-09-14 10:499 楼#
Americans in poverty may have house, car, TV and satellite, air conditioner...<br>
1 out of 6 Americans is in poverty.<br>
This is the lastest offical statement.<br>
America is in serious trouble now.<br>
游客IP:74.184.168.*发布于 2011-09-14 09:256 楼#
游客IP:192.131.177.*发布于 2011-09-14 08:545 楼#
穷疯了 ?
游客IP:65.88.22.*发布于 2011-09-14 08:524 楼#
come one, it is Georiga, here, not the country Georgia.
作者:游客YY 时间:2011年09月14日 06:13 查看全文