大家都在喊老毛万岁,但是没有人相信他会活一万岁。倒是当时有流传说他能活150岁. In 1972 American President Nixon wanted to know why 大家都在喊老毛万岁 万岁 万岁 万岁 万万万岁. If so, Nixon was more concerned about the China's and world' population and aging problem if everybody could be
万岁 万岁 万岁 万万万岁.
In American high school or elementary schools, nobody believe that a human being could be
万岁 万岁 万岁 万岁 万万万岁.
If 老毛 could live over 10 thousand years, what China would be? 90% of China population believe that 老毛 could live over 10 years. Why he died young in 1976? was he killed by somebody?
作者:慧慧goodluck999 时间:2014年06月18日 01:24 查看全文