Meet at the "Hibachi Grill Buffet Restaurant"?
What a loser!
游客IP:71.204.126.*发布于 2014-06-12 20:036 楼#
The dude on the 2nd floor, keep it real.
Don't be so snobbish. Your so called French/Italian restaurants would charge you 5x what Hibachi charges; and you would still feel hungry after you eat. Try comparing apples to apples, not apples to oranges.
We were just in Hibachi last week and was fine and happy to say - "worth our $$$"
The food is not clean, that is major problem. Go to a French Restaurant or Italian restaurant, No Chinese restaurants could not match those 3 names of those universities.
You may feel that you are losers if they have dinners over there.
作者:潇湘游子 时间:2014年06月10日 11:46 查看全文