美国习俗,凡人去世,都要登报发訃告。如果要隐私,就没有必要邀请社区人士参加葬礼了。私人仪式就可以保证隐私了。我们希望家长亲属节哀。但素不相识的人去参加葬礼,希望知道孩子去世的原因也是很正常的。什么都保密还寻求捐款。这似乎不合情理。<br><br><br>There is no reason to hide. Tell the truth, people will understand, the GOD will forgive.<br>Telling the truth is the way to show respect to others.<br>
<span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman'; font-size: 14px; line-height: 25.200000762939453px;">痛惜,哀悼!What happened? People may not need to know. This way of writing a posting in US sounds abnormal. People should go school to learn writing, or learn how to write a piece of sad news.</span>
时间:2014年03月05日 11:42 查看全文