<b><font size="5"><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman'; line-height: 25px;">Why 上海人很多都瞧不上美国人? We, as Americans are honest. Shanghai natives are merchants who are considered dishonest like </span><span style="font-family: 'Times New Roman'; line-height: 25px;">犹太人. If you are reading Bible, you understand better.</span></font></b>
游客IP:50.167.161.*发布于 2013-10-14 17:1515 楼#
<em><font size="5">上海人会帮助犹太人, not Chinese from other places?</font></em>
游客IP:67.166.219.*发布于 2013-10-14 15:0414 楼#
<span style="line-height: 32px;"><font face="Arial Black" size="6"><i>10楼怎么在海外的大陆人都不喜欢上海人? <b>You have to think of this issue. There must be reasons.</b> </i></font></span> <br> <br>因为上海人聪明,北京人等大城市等都非常聪明。聪明就容易被人妒忌。上海人很多都瞧不上美国人,因为上海人勤劳勇敢,有上进心,有品味。抗战的时候,上海人会帮助犹太人。这就是聪明人帮聪明人。10楼不知道是从哪个地方来的。智力不够的话还是静下心来多读读历史。尤其是上海乡土史。<br>
<DIV id=Comment-Li-Content-1 class=Li-Content><FONT size=4><SPAN style="LINE-HEIGHT: 32px"><FONT face="Arial Black"><I>10 楼 怎么在海外的大陆人都不喜欢上海人? <B>You have to think of this issue. There must be reasons.</B> </I></FONT></SPAN> </FONT></DIV>
<DIV class=Li-Content><FONT size=4></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV class=Li-Content><FONT size=4>中国人就是一盘散沙。哪象犹太人。永远是失败者。</FONT></DIV>
<DIV class=Li-Content><FONT size=4>我看10楼不会喜欢任何地方人。</FONT></DIV>
<span style="line-height: 32px;"><font face="Arial Black" size="6"><i>怎么在海外的大陆人都不喜欢上海人? <b>You have to think of this issue. There must be reasons.</b> </i></font></span>
游客IP:72.12.15.*发布于 2013-10-11 12:379 楼#
"only A few"......<br>
Do you have the statitics: how many?<br>
游客IP:50.167.161.*发布于 2013-10-11 11:538 楼#
<font size="5">Who is willing to marry Shanghai men? only few.</font>
作者:yea 时间:2013年10月09日 08:37 查看全文