5 楼 帅哥或美女的贴俺重新编辑了下下:
Keep it in mind that America is one country dictatorship. The evidences of using chemical power of Syria is just a show. The real game behind it is the political struggle. So there is no need for United Nations. The voice of American is beyond the international law. Law is just a tool for them to maintain their ruling. Any criticizing will have no affect on their position.
游客IP:166.205.68.*发布于 2013-09-16 04:475 楼#
Keep it in mind that China is one party dictatorship. The public trial of Bo Xilai is just a show. The real game behind it is the political struggle. So there is no need for a fair trial. The voice of communist party is beyond the law. Law is just a tool for them to maintain their ruling. Any criticizing will have no affect on their position.
游客IP:12.236.96.*发布于 2013-09-16 04:044 楼#
Nobody knows how the world operates. A couple of weeks ago, Obama wanted to strike Syria. He cannot make decision, he asked the congress. People have waited for two weeks, Obama still could not make decision. Then Putin spoke. Then Putin made the decison.
老夫发布于 2013-09-15 18:273 楼#
游客IP:66.56.58.*发布于 2013-09-15 18:082 楼#
There is no principle at all. Jiang Zhemin will decide everything. No argument from judge, no argument from anybody. Bo's argument is useless, Jiang Zhemin still has most power. Other people have no power at all regarding this case.
作者:Venus20851 时间:2013年09月15日 12:59 查看全文