我小孩刚带上braces-full mouth, total cost is $375 for xray 和检查,$5750 for the rest. Atena 只付$1500, 其余自己付。除首付25%以后,其余可分每月付清。这医生在lavista road 上,叫john a. Clinbell. 我们认识很多小孩在他这儿看。服务不错。我们也去过一家在一个shopping mall center,说只收$4000,但感觉不可靠,同时clients大部分是成人。
游客IP:184.36.184.*发布于 2013-03-01 17:327 楼#
I am looking for 牙医植牙 , which can cover by my insurance company : Aetna with very good job too . Thanks.
含笑发布于 2013-03-01 17:006 楼#
游客IP:128.61.129.*发布于 2013-03-01 09:095 楼#
I don't know 张医生, but I know 魏心医生. His price may be little cheaper, but he is definitely not a good dentist. I guarantee you will regret. Who write something in new paper cannot represent they are good. It represents they need customers. In general, a good doctor does not need to write something because he/she has been famous in the field.
I used Weiyen/Jennifer Chang at 678-461-4875. The cost is only $3,500 to $3,700 per tooth. They are awesome and have the better equipment. All digital.
作者:含笑 时间:2013年02月28日 07:02 查看全文