美少年队乒乓球员Jonathan Ou 来ATTA训练。 Jonathan 从2010 年起开始师从王辉教练学球。 他坚持不缀,每逢学校假期就会从佛罗里达赶到亚特兰大练球。去年暑期跟随王练在河北“六通”乒乓球学校集训一月有余。在去年底全美乒乓赛少年队选拔赛上表现优异,连续第二次如选国少队。本周他只身
时间:2013年02月14日 09:47 查看全文
游客IP:131.96.146.*发布于 2013-02-15 10:034 楼#
It is not surprise that ATTA will train more top junior players from other states. <br>
游客IP:174.251.65.*发布于 2013-02-14 20:173 楼#
I believe Jonathan will have a good training. He will also have chance to train together with Yujun Feng and Ethan Jin. I am very proud for Coach Wang and his team. They are now training three best southeast American junior players in the academy.
游客IP:99.108.156.*发布于 2013-02-14 14:572 楼#
Welcome Jonathan to ATTA, a lot of other young players are motivated by watching his practice. Hope ATTA to attract more such high player and will benefit local player a lot.
时间:2013年02月14日 09:47 查看全文