I like outdoor activities as well. Will join the activities when the kids are getting older.
游客IP:144.160.226.*发布于 2012-10-19 08:562 楼#
Ding !!<br>
Thank 亚特兰大齐鲁同乡会及韩华联谊会共同组织了一场秋游活动.<br>
Thanks for the Pictures.<br>
游客IP:74.160.130.*发布于 2012-10-18 19:131 楼#
I like the outdoor activities, and started a running group a year before. I you are interested at joining to run in a group, please let me know. We get togather every saturday morning to practice for about 2 hours.
时间:2012年10月18日 13:54 查看全文