回-----14楼游客------Ip 206:<div>1) 本人之和达是一贯的。 与笔会首届会长纠结,小事一节,那是笔会个别人的抄作, 因我那时工作甚忙,未有及时回击。后来,经现任笔会会长Dr. Wang, XiaoHeng 和 168 版主 Dr. Guo 的调节已停战。 在亚城一次聚会上已W手言欢,并友好合影,老郭作凭,并无有“道歉”之说,请你不要主观唯心。如你还想挑起战事,老娘奉陪到底!但你如蒙面继续,别怪揭你老底!望你甭再当阴沟蛀虫,请自重!勿小人之心度君之腹!</div><div>就是老钱蒙面骂人,如果在聚会上见面,我也会友好的: </div><div> “Hello!How Are You? I hope your everything is doing well!" </div><div>2) 本人之透明度也是一贯的。 说我玄富,玄能,就怕你玄不出来。在此将你一军!美国人就是炫富!美国人也从不假谦虚!作为中国世界冠军医师20年,美国特殊人才优秀移民,在美国医院工作20年,你半点比不上!有能耐,你也来炫炫吗!</div><div><br></div><div>3) 本人作风正派,形象美好,从不损人利己 Or 损人不利己。 God Bless American!</div>
Reply to 7 楼----Ip 138:<div><br></div><div>您的问题太少了点。 建议加问:</div><div>SSN#? Address? Tel? How much salary/m.? How many properties do U have?</div><div><br></div><div>再问:</div><div>Q: 我, IP138 尚无工作,能否给介绍一下?</div><div>A: Yes, If U speak English, it is possible!</div>
游客IP:99.206.24.*发布于 2012-10-11 09:157 楼#
游客IP:67.191.132.*发布于 2012-10-10 17:146 楼#
Dr. Liu, I respect your desire to help. However, you shouldn't force other people to do the same. By the way, our governement DO allow you to contribute more than what is reqired. Actually, you can donate your entire income and life savings. You can also borrow against your credit line to pay more taxes. I am sure by that time, you would qualify for government assistant. For your convenience, here is the government web site to pay extra taxes:<br> <br><a href="http://www.fms.treas.gov/faq/moretopics_gifts.html">http://www.fms.treas.gov/faq/moretopics_gifts.html</a><br>
游客IP:174.252.162.*发布于 2012-10-10 11:385 楼#
103 must be new here, stop talking logically here.that is all!
作者:Dr.OlympiaLiu 时间:2012年10月08日 19:19 查看全文