His business model is targeting to folks who are desperate to survive. Those folks will try anything. What he did will make those folks even worse. I don't know how he can live with those poor guys money. Sham on him.
游客IP:74.232.1.*发布于 2012-10-12 12:5216 楼#
Totally failed advertisement to most of readers
Note that he only targets his business to a few desperate folks who are struggling on bread and butter.
Shame on him to make those folks from bad to worse.
haibinyan发布于 2012-10-10 08:1515 楼#
游客IP:98.192.8.*发布于 2012-10-08 17:3714 楼#
游客IP:76.97.180.*发布于 2012-10-08 17:3113 楼#
游客IP:108.89.141.*发布于 2012-10-08 16:5412 楼#
游客IP:57.250.242.*发布于 2012-10-08 10:5811 楼#
只有用钱/代价换回来的经验教训 才会受用终身, 都去看看把。<br>
游客IP:98.194.212.*发布于 2012-10-08 10:4810 楼#
I had listened his lecture in Los Angeles about two years ago. Of course it was the free part and I registered for the AFTER BIG DISCOUNT PRICE class and ended up with cancellation. It wasn't because of anything, just a personal matter. But I had a strong doubt of his honesty and some NET WORK MARKETING people told me that HE is also one of them, but I am not sure so far for it. Why? Because it's none of my matter. I don't believe people will never easily give away their SECRET. Like COCA COLA. <div><br></div><div>Of course I might be wrong and you can go and spend your money. But make sure you come back and share your experience and let us know about him.</div>
by <a class="username" href="http://members.wenxuecity.com/profile.php?cid=w8C5+sDPzcE=" target="_blank"><span itemprop="author">美国老土</span></a><br> <br>I joined his lecture at Redwood city in a Saturday morning couple month ago.<br>He spend almost two hours two tell people why the Web affiliation marketing is a good business, but he didn't tell you any word of how to do it. If you want to know how, you have to come back join the whole day's class in Sunday, but, it is not free, you have to pay $1500 for the tuition of about 7 hours class.<br>I met three people after the lecture of Saturday, they are not sure whether it is worth to spend that $1500.<br>They are not high tech people either.<br>After they hear that I am a web expert and a good teacher, so they believe I can make good judgement, and I can pass the knowledge to them one I joined the class, so they get a good idea: for of us pool the money together, everybody pay $1500/4, let me join the class Sunday morning, if the class is dumb, I can quit in the lunchtime, and get the 100% money back.<br>I joined in Sunday morning. He was still talking lots of useless topic to spend time, I tried to ask him show us the beef directly, he refused.<br>I asked several guys in there, they are claimed as the former student who came back to listen the class again:<br>Ask: When you guys joined the program?<br>Answer: Two month ago.<br>Ask: Have you guys made any money so far?<br>Answer: Not.<br>Ask: What is your guys professionl?<br>Answer: Software Engineer.<br>OK, I decide to quit. Because I knew it is a spam for sure...<br>
作者:dzxwh 时间:2012年10月03日 20:21 查看全文